Fads are born and then they fade. The only constant is the inventive mind. Dyllon's Law
The style of having pants fall below the waist lives on.
The style of having pants fall below the waist lives on.
I understand that it might have begun in prison since inmates are not allowed to have belts since they might hurt themselves and others. You put this fact along with prison clothes that do not fit properly and you naturally have pants that are hanging below the waistline. Years ago there was talk that one inmate’s pants hanging low was also a way to show other inmates that they were sexually available but for the sake of over-complicating this narrative, I’ll let that rest.
Other clothing styles have been started in prison and then reflected on the city streets such as wearing no shoestrings and one pants leg folded up, to name a few. In terms of fashion, what seemed to happen next is that Black men and others brought this “style” back to the community. Because they identify so much with prison life, they wear it like a badge of honor.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that the pants hanging low fad did have its start with the prison population and move on.
Some will want to sport this style because they believe it will make them look tough or “gangsta”. Others will swear that if you want to be “cool”, this is the way to go.
When you listen to the young, you’d swear that styles and trend setting are inspired by them in their outcry to become independent. I’m constantly amused at how quickly youth will scream about this. They will say, “Older people just don’t understand.” These same kids will then scream to their parents that they REEEALLY need to have that new pair of sneakers or that they will die if they don’t get that brand named jacket. The fact that individuals in their teens and twenties are all wearing many of the same styles is simply an example of how they fall for marketing ploys. There will always be some adult who has drawn up (or slightly changed) a style, mass produced it and then is making a mint. This does not say to me that someone is “learning who they are.” It simply means that they are being a follower. I did the same style following number when I was young and many adults still fall in that trap but I digress.
Style being put aside, we must understand that the purpose of clothing is to cover ourselves. During hot weather, it makes sense that we would want to shed some garments but during the winter, it’s difficult to understand why your pants are hanging down. It is cold you know. Regardless, the style has been prevalent for quite a few winters and many have frozen their butts off. Sorry for that one.
I feel that another bit of logic is lost when situations arise that the individual has to run or react in life’s ever changing situations. If you’re in the middle of the street and have to move quickly, the last thing you should be doing is grabbing at your pants to pull them up. You should just be running. I know that this is an extreme example but I’ve seen enough guys pulling them up when the need arises to know that this particular style is just not natural.
There is no need to bring up the business world where this style is normally not accepted. What I think is strange is how some will try to legislate, pass laws and even outlaw the wearing of pants hanging low. It’s one thing when you are in a school environment and you know that you might be breaking a rule but it’s another to be on a public street and be stopped by cop and given a summons for public lewdness or indecent exposure. As illogical as the style might be, coming close to being arrested for it seems ridiculous.
I guess a lot of people don’t remember what happens when you tell a young person repeatedly not to do something.
The best way to deal with this style is to let logic take its course. When enough brothers (and many others), get tired of tripping and falling, this too shall pass.